The Christian’s journey of sanctification – putting sin to death and growing more like Christ – was never meant to be travelled alone. The apostle Paul describes the Christian community as a body where everyone looks out for and supports each other: “There should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it.” (1 Corinthians 12:25-26)
The ER Support Group is a safe, confidential, gracious and gospel-focused space where you can meet with other guys who share both a common struggle and a common goal – to experience freedom from porn and satisfaction in Christ.
The ER Support Group will run weekly for 4 months (April – July).
At each meeting, we aim to do four things:
- Encourage each other in the shared journey towards freedom from porn and satisfaction in Christ.
- Learn about, reflect on and discuss issues relating to pornography and the gospel. We will be studying the bible as well as working through resources produced by Simon.
- Share how our week has gone, be reminded of the truths of the gospel of grace and discuss practical strategies for the upcoming week.
- Prayerfully look to God to change our hearts and help us grow in freedom, integrity and godliness.
To find out more about the ER Support Group and to express your interest, download the Information Document by clicking the button above.
If you wish to ask Simon anything in particular about the group that the Information Document doesn’t answer, feel free to email him: simon@elephantroom.org
Submit your expression of interest by Wednesday 13th of April
While attending the ER support group I really found the support phenomenal. I discovered I was not alone in the issues I had been struggling with. ER helped me get perspective on the issue of pornography, to learn strategies to overcome it, and most importantly, to refocus on my relationship with Christ as my source of fulfilment.
Former member of the ER Support Group
Trust is vital in a marriage and porn destroys trust. By taking a stand against porn, by bringing this sin into the light, you can begin to rebuild the trust in your marriage. My husband joining ER has transformed our marriage. I can trust him again, even when he stumbles. It has opened up communication between us to talk about even the ‘tough stuff’ and has re-established him as the godly leader of our household.
Wife of the man quoted above